Hypercomplex Numbers

New Approaches to Continuous and Discrete Signals by Using Hypercomplex Numbers

  • The advantage of the use of hypercomplex numbers is due to their structure of commutative and associative algebras of finite order over the field of real numbers. They are used in the representation of continuous and discrete signals. By making use of  some novel algebraic properties, determined by the author, the following results are obtained:
    • extension of the representation of continuous/discrete signals
    • new solutions to some widely used differential/finite differences equations
  • Regarding the discrete signals which are obtained from the uniform sampling of continuous signals, a result which highlights the connections between uniform and discrete signals is published in 1982.
  • The classical integral transforms of Laplace and Fourier type are generalized for the case of hypercomplex numbers, for real valued functions as well as for distributions.
  • These results allow to generalize the notion of transfer function from a complex valued function of complex variable to a hypercomplex valued function of hypercomplex variable.
  • The aforementioned contributions open new directions in the study of dynamical systems, linear and, most important, non-linear.
  • By using the hypercomplex properties of the truncated Walsh series, an exact procedure of parametric identification of the nonlinear analytical dynamical systems is developped.
  • The results are cited in Surfing through Hyperspace: Understanding Higher Universes in Six Easy Lessons, Clifford A. Pickover, Oxford University Press, 2001.


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