Rigid Body Kinematics
Algebraic and geometric methods in rigid body kinematics and dynamics
- By using the Lie group structure of the rigid rotations, and the associated Lie algebra, the tensor calculus is used as a tool in the study of the vector fields associated to the velocities and accelerations (up the the nth order) of the rigid body.
- A new set of procedures is developed in order to analytically determine the velocities and accelerations disctribution in a rigid body only from a minimal set of direct measurements. This procedure is developped in a coordinate-free form, and it allows the establishment of precise computation algorithms.
- A symbolic procedure to model the motion with respect to a non-inertial reference frame is developed. It is proven that it exists a bilateral smooth transfer between the aforementioned motion and the motion with respect to an inertial reference frame. This transfer is modeled by a proper orthogonal tensor valued function of real variable, which is determined analytically.
- This symbolic procedure, which is mostly associated with rigid body methods, also allows to offer new vectorial coordinate-free closed form solutions to some classical single-particle problems:
- The Foucault Pendulum problem
- The Kepler problem in a rotating reference frame
- The relative motion in a central force field, which leads to the closed form solution to the relative motion in a Newtonian potential field (the reader is refered here for a more detailed presentation of this result)
- The reduction of the motion in a central force field to a Keplerian motion
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