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Iasi Branch

Office of SRAIT Iasi branch

As. Prof. PhD. eng. Mihai POSTOLACHE
Department of Automatic Control and Applied Informatics
E-mail: mihai.postolache@academic.tuiasi.ro

Prof. PhD. eng. Corneliu LAZĂR
Department of Automatic Control and Applied Informatics
E-mail: corneliu.lazar@academic.tuiasi.ro

Member :
Prof. PhD. eng. Octavian PĂSTRĂVANU
Department of Automatic Control and Applied Informatics
E-mail: octavian-cezar.pastravanu@academic.tuiasi.ro

Member :
Prof. PhD. eng. Marius KLOETZER
Department of Automatic Control and Applied Informatics
E-mail: marius.kloetzer@academic.tuiasi.ro

Prof. PhD. eng. Adrian BURLACU
Department of Automatic Control and Applied Informatics
E-mail: adrian.burlacu@academic.tuiasi.ro

Members of the SRAIT Iasi in the composition of the Board of Directors

Vice-Chairman of the SRAIT Romania Steering Committee: Prof. univ. dr. ing. Corneliu LAZAR, Department of Automatic Control and Applied Informatics
E-mail: corneliu.lazar@academic.tuiasi.ro

IFAC – Technical Committees (2018)

CC 1 – Systems and Signals
Octavian Păstrăvanu  – TC 1.3. Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems

CC 2 – Design Methods
Mihail Voicu  – TC 2.2. Linear Control Systems; TC 2.4. Optimal Control

CC 7 – Transportation and Vehicle Systems
Corneliu Lazăr – TC 7.1. Automotive Control
Marius Kloetzer  – TC 7.5. Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles