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The refinement through a doctorate represents the third cycle of advanced university education. The doctoral program, the admission colloquium for the doctorate, the training program, the public defense of the doctoral thesis, and the obtaining of the Doctor’s diploma are conducted under the National Education Law no. 1/2011 and H.G. no. 681/2011 – the Code of doctoral university studies.

“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași has received approval to organize doctoral programs in fundamental fields:

  • Engineering Sciences
  • Exact Sciences

The forms of preparation through a doctorate are:

  • with a budget frequency – for 3 years
  • with a frequency fee – for 3 years

The doctorate has two components:

  • The training program based on advanced university studies (I’st year);
  • The scientific research program. (years II and III).

The Doctoral School of the Faculty of Automation and Computers organises annual admissions for doctoral university studies, lasting 3 years, in two fields of study:

  • Computer Science and Information Technology
  • Systems Engineering

Doctoral studies are aimed at graduates with a master’s degree (1.5 or 2 years) and long-term bachelor’s degree. (4 or 5 years).

Following the completion of the training program and all the stages of finalization and evaluation of the doctoral thesis, the doctoral candidate receives the diploma and the title of Doctor in the field of doctoral university studies they have pursued.

All candidates declared admitted and enrolled in the first year of study, who do not have their residence in Iasi, will be provided with subsidized accommodation in the student dormitories of the Tudor Vladimirescu campus.

More information regarding the procedures, legislation, and updates related to the university’s study programs can be found on the dedicated website for doctoral studies: https://doctorat.tuiasi.ro/.

Doctoral field: Computer Science and Information Technology


  • Prof.dr.inf. Mitică Craus (mitica.craus@academic.tuiasi.ro)
  • Prof.dr.ing. Florin Leon (florin.leon@academic.tuiasi.ro)
  • Prof.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion Manta (vasile-ion.manta@academic.tuiasi.ro)

Doctoral field: Systems Engineering

Chairpersons :

  • Prof.dr.ing. Adrian Burlacu (adrian.burlacu@academic.tuiasi.ro)
  • Prof.dr.ing. Constantin-Florin Căruntu (constantin-florin.caruntu@academic.tuiasi.ro)
  • Prof.dr.ing. Marius Kloetzer (marius.kloetzer@academic.tuiasi.ro)
  • Prof.dr.ing. Corneliu Lazăr (corneliu.lazar@academic.tuiasi.ro)
  • Prof.dr.ing. Mihaela-Hanako Matcovschi (mihaela-hanako.matcovschi@academic.tuiasi.ro)
  • Prof.dr.ing. Alexandru Onea (alexandru.onea@academic.tuiasi.ro)
  • Prof.dr.ing. Octavian-Cezar Pastravanu (octavian-cezar.pastravanu@academic.tuiasi.ro)
  • Prof.dr.ing. Mihail Voicu (mihail.voicu@academic.tuiasi.ro)


Information regarding admission to doctoral university studies can be found on the Doctoral Admission page.

Doctoral students

Doctoral students enrolled in the Doctoral School program of the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science.

Doctoral theses defended within the Doctoral School

Year of defenseFirst and Last Name Thesis titleChairpersonDomain
2023George-Iulian ULERUAplicații ale rețelelor neuronale electro-optice în robotică / Applications of electro-optical neural networks in robotics Prof.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTACalculatoare si tehnologia informatiei
2023Ștefan-Daniel ACHIREITehnici de Inteligență Artificială pentru Interpretarea Scenelor Vizuale / Visual Scene Understanding using Artificial Intelligence MethodsProf.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTACalculatoare si tehnologia informatiei
2023Silviu Dumitru PAVĂLTehnici de segmentare a imaginilor pentru conducerea autonomă a vehiculelor / Image Segmentation Techniques Applied to Autonomous DrivingProf.dr.inf. Mitică CRAUSCalculatoare si tehnologia informatiei
2023Otilia JACOTĂ (căs. ZVORIȘTEANU)Percepția şi înțelegerea mediului pentru sisteme mobile inteligente / Environment perception and understanding for intelligent mobile systemsProf.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTACalculatoare si tehnologia informatiei
2022Alexandru-Gabriel TUDORACHEAplicații ale procesării cuantice a informației în steganografie și criptografie / Quantum information processing applications in steganography and cryptographyProf.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTACalculatoare si tehnologia informatiei
2022Alexandru ȚIGANAȘUTehnici avansate de control al vehiculelor în sistemele de transport inteligente / Advanced vehicle control techniques in intelligent transportation systems Prof.dr.ing. Corneliu LAZĂRSystem Engineering
2022Tudor Alexandru POPOVICISisteme de acționare electrică cu motoare sincrone cu magneți permanenți pentru roboți și vehicule electrice / Electric drive systems with permanent magnet synchronous motors for robots and electric vehicles. Prof.dr.ing. Alexandru ONEASystem Engineering
2021Cătălin MIRONEANUPrevenirea atacurilor cibernetice cu tehnici de data mining / Preventing cyber attacks with data mining techniques Prof.dr.inf. Mitică CRAUSComputer Science and Information Technology
2020Sabina FLORIATehnici de inteligență artificială pentru evaluare performanțelor în rețele complexe / Artificial intelligence techniques for performance evaluation in complex networksprof.dr.ing. Florin LEONComputer Science and Information Technology
2020Adrian Tudor PĂNESCUAdvances in Digital Research RepositoriesProf.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTAComputer Science and Information Technology
2019Tiberius DUMITRIUAplicații ale inteligenței artificiale în modelare șI analiza datelor / Applications of artificial intelligence in data modeling and analysis. Prof.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTA Computer Science and Information Technology
2019Anca MAXIMDistributed Model Predictive Control for Dynamically Coupled SystemsProf.dr.ing. Corneliu LAZĂRSystem Engineering
2018Corina AGRIGOROAIE (căs. CÎMPANU)Metode genetice de optimizare multiobiectiv / Multi-objective genetic optimization methods Prof.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTAComputer Science and Information Technology
2018Răzvan MOCANUModelarea și controlul acționărilor electrice utilizate în autovehicule / Control Techniques and Modeling of Automotive Electrical DrivesProf.dr.ing. Alexandru ONEASystem Engineering
2016Vlad Sergiu BÎRLESCUUnificarea modelelor de calcul prin intermediul fractalilor / The unification of computational models through fractals. Prof.dr.ing. Mitică CRAUSComputer Science and Information Technology
2015Sabin Constantin CARPIUCTehnici de control pentru actionări electrice cu aplicații în sistemele auto / Control techniques for electric drives with applications in automotive systems. Prof.dr.ing. Corneliu LAZĂRSystem Engineering
2015Mircea Călin MONORSinteza structurilor FPGA în proiectarea unităților centrale / Synthesis of FPGA structures in central unit design Prof.dr.ing. Octavian Cezar PĂSTRĂVANUSystem Engineering
2015Iosif Iulian PETRILAProcesarea comparativă clasică și cuantică a informației / Classical and quantum comparative information processing Prof.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTAComputer Science and Information Technology
2014Daniel Ionuț PĂTRAȘCUTehnici de modelare și control pentru lanțul de transmisie a puterii la autovehicule / Techniques for shaping and controlling the power transmission chain in vehicles. Prof.dr.ing. Corneliu LAZĂRSystem Engineering
2014Andrei Cătălin TABARCEADezvoltarea de servicii bazate pe localizare / Development of location-based services Prof.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTAComputer Science and Information Technology
2013Florin Cătălin BRĂESCUAlgoritmi de planificare pentru sisteme de timp real încorporate / Scheduling algorithms for embedded real-time systems Prof.dr.ing. Corneliu LAZĂRSystem Engineering
2012Ioan AGAVRILOAEIModele și algoritmi de web mining / Models and algorithms of web mining Prof.dr.ing. Mitică CRAUSComputer Science and Information Technology
2012Adrian ALEXANDRESCUAplicații ale inteligenței artificiale în sisteme distribuite eterogene / Applications of artificial intelligence in heterogeneous distributed systems Prof.dr.ing. Mitică CRAUSComputer Science and Information Technology
2012Timotei ASAFTEIFormalismul rețelelor Petri în construcția și analiza modelelor în ingineria sistemelor / The formalism of Petri nets in the construction and analysis of models in systems engineering. Prof.dr.ing. Mihaela-Hanako MATCOVSCHISystem Engineering
2012Cezar Leandru Corneliu BABICIStrategii de control pentru autovehicule electrice hibride / Control strategies for hybrid electric vehicles Prof.dr.ing. Alexandru ONEASystem Engineering
2012Narcis GHIȚĂDezvoltări teoretice și aplicative pentru planificarea mișcării roboților mobili / Theoretical and applied developments for the planning of mobile robot movement. Prof.dr.ing. Octavian Cezar PĂSTRĂVANUSystem Engineering
2012Robert LUPUTehnici noi de prelucrare și transmitere eficientă a informațiilor în aplicații de telemonitorizare în medicină / New techniques for processing and efficiently transmitting information in telemonitoring applications in medicine. Prof.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTAComputer Science and Information Technology
2012Andrei STANContribuții în proiectarea unităților centrale utilizate în arhitecturi de calcul dedicate / Contributions to the design of central units used in dedicated computing architectures. Prof.dr.ing. Alexandru VALACHIComputer Science and Information Technology
2012Adina Maria ȚÂMPĂU (căs. PETROVICI)Analiza și recunoașterea amprentelor alterate / Analysis and recognition of altered fingerprints. Prof.dr.ing. Corneliu LAZĂRSystem Engineering
2011Bogdan ALECSASisteme încorporate cu FPGA pentru controlul proceselor rapide / Embedded systems with FPGA for fast process control. Prof.dr.ing. Alexandru ONEASystem Engineering
2011Cristian AMARANDEIContribuții la proiectarea aplicațiilor paralele pe clustere de calculatoare / Contributions to the design of parallel applications on computer clusters. Prof.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTAComputer Science and Information Technology
2011Andreea-Elena BALAUOverall Powertrain Modeling And Control Based On Driveline Subsystems IntegrationProf.dr.ing. Corneliu LAZĂRSystem Engineering
2011Nicolae-Alexandru BOTEZATUOptimizarea consumului de energie în procesul de securizare al sistemelor încorporate / Optimizing energy consumption in the process of securing embedded systems. Prof.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTAComputer Science and Information Technology
2011Constantin-Florin CARUNTUNetworked Predictive Control for Fast ProcessesProf.dr.ing. Corneliu LAZĂRSystem Engineering
2011Cosmin COPOTTehnici de control pentru sistemele servoing vizuale / Control techniques for visual servoing systems Prof.dr.ing. Corneliu LAZĂRSystem Engineering
2011Gabriela Gladiola ANDRUSEACContribuții la proiectarea, realizarea și implementarea sistemelor informatice pentru educație în domeniul medical / Contributions to the design, development, and implementation of information systems for education in the medical field. Prof.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTAComputer Science and Information Technology
2011Marius GAVRILESCUVisualization and graphical processing of volume dataProf.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTA
Prof.dr. Eduard GRÖLLER
Computer Science and Information Technology
2011Paul-Corneliu HERGHELEGIUAnaliza și vizualizarea seturilor de date biomedicale / Analysis and visualization of biomedical datasets. Prof.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTAComputer Science and Information Technology
2011Cristina HUZUMContribuții la dezvoltarea unor algoritmi de testare a memoriilor semiconductoare de tip RAM / Contributions to the development of testing algorithms for RAM-type semiconductor memories. Prof.dr.ing. Alexandru VALACHIComputer Science and Information Technology
2011Carlos PASCALArhitecturi adaptive bazate pe agenți pentru conducerea fluxurilor de activități / Adaptive agent-based architectures for managing activity flows. Prof.dr.ing. Octavian Cezar PĂSTRĂVANUSystem Engineering
2011Alina PATELLIGenetic Programming Techniques for Nonlinear Systems IdentificationProf.dr.ing. Octavian Cezar PĂSTRĂVANUSystem Engineering
2011Cristian-Ionuț SMOCHINĂImage Processing Techniques and Segmentation EvaluationProf.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTAComputer Science and Information Technology
2010Alexandru ARCHIPAlgoritmi paraleli și solutii de implementare pentru aplicații data mining / Parallel algorithms and implementation solutions for data mining applications. Prof.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTAComputer Science and Information Technology
2010Simona ARUȘTEI (căs. CARAIMAN)Procesare grafică în sisteme de calcul de mare performanță / Graphics processing in high-performance computing systems. Prof.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTAComputer Science and Information Technology
2010Cristinel Eduard COSTEAAplicații multi-agent în conducerea sistemelor complexe / Multi-agent applications in the management of complex systems Prof.dr.ing. Corneliu BOȚANSystem Engineering
2010Iulian Marius FURDUOptimizarea diagramelor de decizie binare ordonate / Optimization of ordered binary decision diagrams Prof.dr.ing. Octav BRUDARUComputer Science and Information Technology
2010Aleodor Daniel IOANContribuții la implementarea structurilor hardware cu circuite numerice programabile CPLD și FPGA / Contributions to the implementation of hardware structures with programmable digital circuits CPLD and FPGA. Prof.dr.ing. Alexandru VALACHIComputer Science and Information Technology
2010Cristian ROTARIUMonitorizarea de la distanță a parametrilor vitali folosind sisteme înglobate / Remote monitoring of vital parameters using embedded systems. Prof.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTAComputer Science and Information Technology
2010Marius Dan ZBANCIOCNoi metode de caracterizare prin trasături a semnalelor mono și bi-dimensionale în vederea creșterii performanțelor recunoașterii automate / New methods for feature characterization of mono- and bi-dimensional signals aimed at enhancing automatic recognition performance. Prof.dr.ing. Octav BRUDARUComputer Science and Information Technology
2009Cristina BUDACIUTehnici avansate de control pentru procese energetice / Advanced control techniques for energy processes Prof.dr.ing. Mihail VOICUSystem Engineering
2009Adrian BURLACUAlgoritmi de procesare a imaginii pentru aplicații de urmărire a obiectelor în mișcare / Image processing algorithms for applications in tracking moving objects. Prof.dr.ing. Vasile-Ion MANTAComputer Science and Information Technology
2009Constantin-Catalin DOSOFTEIUtilizarea inteligenței computaționale în conducerea proceselor / The use of computational intelligence in managing processes. Prof.dr.ing. Corneliu BOȚANSystem Engineering
2009Mircea LAZĂRPredictive Control Algorithms for Nonlinear SystemsProf.dr.ing. Mihail VOICUSystem Engineering
2008Mircea HULEAAnaliza și proiectarea unui sistem pentru recunoașterea vocală independentă de vorbitor, bazat pe rețele neuronale / Analysis and design of a speaker-independent voice recognition system based on neural networks. Prof.dr.ing. Mihail VOICUSystem Engineering
2007Cristian AFLORIContribuții la realizarea unor sisteme inteligente pentru descoperirea de cunoștinte înbaza de date / Contributions to the development of intelligent systems for knowledge discovery in databases. Prof.dr.ing. Dan GÂLEAComputer Science and Information Technology
2007Laurențiu IANCUContribuții la dezvoltarea unor sisteme de inteligență artificială cu aplicații în controlul calității / Contributions to the development of artificial intelligence systems with applications in quality control. Prof.dr.ing. Dan GÂLEAComputer Science and Information Technology
2007Grigore Mihai TIMIȘContribuții la analiza și sinteza sistemelor secventiale asincrone / Contributions to the analysis and synthesis of asynchronous sequential systems. Prof.dr.ing. Alexandru VALACHIComputer Science and Information Technology
2006Alexandru Theodor Cristian BÂRLEANUContribuții la metode de recunoastere a sunetului cu microsisteme dedicate / Contributions to sound recognition methods with dedicated microsystems. Prof.dr.ing. Alexandru VALACHIComputer Science and Information Technology
2006Cristian Nicolae BUȚINCUNoi metode de construire și management ale clusterelor dinamice / New methods for building and managing dynamic clusters. Prof.dr.ing. Dan GÂLEAComputer Science and Information Technology
2006Codrin Constantin PRUTEANUAplicații ale inteligenței artificiale în sinteza circuitelor numerice complexe / Applications of artificial intelligence in the synthesis of complex digital circuits. Prof.dr.ing. Dan GÂLEAComputer Science and Information Technology