The master’s degree program in Distributed Systems and Web Technologies offers graduates of bachelor’s degree programs, with a foundational background in computer programming and algorithm design, in-depth knowledge in the area of parallel and distributed computing, including advanced algorithms specific to this paradigm, the design of distributed applications, cluster, grid, and cloud technologies, service-oriented programming techniques, modeling and estimating the reliability of distributed systems, image processing and distributed visualization, as well as the analysis and development of multi-agent systems. An international openness is aimed for through the existence of a teaching line in English, namely the study program Distributed Systems and Web Technologies.
Extracts of the course syllabi for the subjects studied in the field of Computers and Information Technology.
Studied discipline
Year I
Semester I | Semester II |
Fundamentals of Distributed Processing | Performanțele și fiabilitatea sistemelor complexe |
Web languages and technologies | Cloud Computing |
Cybersecurity | Etică și integritate |
Research and Practice (sem. 1) | Research and Practice (sem. 2) |
Network service management | Big Data Techniques |
| Artificial vision |
Year II (from 2020)
Semester I | Semester II |
Multi-agent systems | Multidisciplinary project |
High-performance computing | Develop Master’s Thesis |
GPU Programming | Research and Practice (sem. 4) |
Research and Practice (sem. 3) | |
Design paradigm for distributed applications/Web Security | |
Introduction to Quantum Computing/Cloud Computing 2 | |
Teaching series
Distributed Systems and Web Technologies
Distributed Systems and Web Technologies
Acquired skills (listed in the supplement)
Professional skills
- The knowledge of advanced concepts in the field of computer science and information technology, as well as the ability to operate with these concepts.
- The application of advanced methods for the analysis, modeling, and simulation of distributed systems.
- Designing, implementing, and testing distributed applications and high-performance, service-oriented web applications.
Contextual integration and ensuring the integrity of distributed software systems.
Transversal skills
- The application, in the context of complying with laws of intellectual property rights, principles, norms, and values of the professional code of ethics within one’s own strategy of rigorous, efficient, and responsible work.
- Assuming leadership roles/functions in a multidisciplinary team, and applying techniques for effective communication and teamwork within the group.
- Creating opportunities for continuous training and effectively utilizing resources and learning techniques for personal development.
Possible occupations (COR code – Classification of Occupations in Romania)
- Research Engineer in Computers (215236)
- Computer Researcher (215235)
- Research Assistant in Computers (215237)
- Systems and Computer Design Engineer (215214)
- e-Media Specialist (251303)
- Computer Network Administrator (System Engineer) (252301)
- Database Administrator (252101)
- Software Systems Engineer (251205)
- IT Project Manager (251206)