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History and Mission

The first courses in Automatic Control (1959) and Computers (1963) were introduced in the curriculum of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. A distinct academic programme in automatic control and computers was established in 1977 as a result of the advancement of these new scientific disciplines and the expansion of the teaching staff’s knowledge in these areas. The Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering was founded in 1990 by a group of professors from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering who specialised in automation and computer science. The deans of the faculty were Professors Corneliu Huțanu, Mihail Voicu, Dan Gâlea, Vasile Ion Manta, and Corneliu Lazăr.

Since September 1998, the the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering has its headquarters in a new building and has a modern infrastructure, on European standards:

  • 2 amphitheaters and 7 classrooms equipped with technical, teaching and communication equipment;
  • 30 labs with an adequate supply of materials to ensure competitive research and teaching;
  • a reading area and library offering access to important scientific databases, specific literature, and periodicals.

Through initial training, continuing education, and integration into the university value circuit, the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering seeks to advance research in the areas of Computer and Information Technology, as well as Systems Engineering. The faculty’s areas of expertise include graduate training, personal development programmes, basic and applied scientific research, undergraduate, master’s, and doctorate degrees, and the training of exceptionally talented and competent individuals.