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Automatic Control and Applied Informatics – is the main specialization in Romania in the field of Systems Engineering (SE), an interdisciplinary field of science and technology, aimed at the development and integrated implementation, in a systemic conception, of equipment, control systems and communications intended for the management of processes in different sectors of activity: scientific, technical and economic.

To explore the concepts and wide field of activity of Systems Engineering, visit the page of the organization International Council of System Engineering (INCOSE) page.

Why Automatic Control and Applied Informatics?

The Bachelor’s Degree Program in Automatic Control and Applied Informatics provides basic training for future automation engineers, through the transmission of knowledge and the development of skills that will enable them to:

  • analysis, identification, and modeling of processes for the integrated design of automatic control solutions;
  • process management algorithm implementation in hardware and software ;
  • creation and execution of software programs to address certain problems in various domains of endeavor.

Studied Disciplines

Year I

Semester I Semester II
Linear algebra and analytical geometryComputer Science I
Mathematical Analysis Differential equations and operational calculation
Applied InformaticsAnalog Electronic Circuits
Physics Electrotechnics
Computational Logic Mechanics
Computer-Assisted Graphics Economy

Year II

Semester I Semester II
Analysis and synthesis of numerical devices Automatic Control Introduction
Computer Science IIData Structures and Algorithms
Special MathematicsAutomation and microprogramming
Numerical MethodsOptimization Techniques
Digital Electronics Statistics and data processing
Modeling of physical systems Measurements and translator devices

Year III

Semester I Semester II
System TheoryRobotics
Microprocessor systemsDiscrete Event Systems
Automated sampling systems System Identification
DatabaseComputer Architecture
EnglishOptionals (A)
Optionals (A)Artificial vision systems
Mașini și acționări electriceProcurement systems and process interfaces
Hydropneumatic equipment Procurement systems and process interfaces – Project
Optionals (IA) Optionals (IA)
Software Systems Engineering Numeric signal processors
Platform Independent Programming Microcontrollers – architectures and programming
Platform Independent Programming – Project
Optionals (AIA)
Automated sampling systems – project
Field Practice – 90 hours by the end of Semester II
Specialty Practice – 90 hours by the end of Semester II

Year IV

Semester I Semester II
Mandatory Mandatory
Automatic adjustment engineering Communications in conduction systems
Data transmission Management
Real-time Application Programming Drafting of the Bachelor Project
Documentation and preparation of technical-scientific works Optionals (A)
Practice for drafting the bachelor project Adaptive and robust systems
Optionals (A) Remote control of processes
Robot steering systems Strategies for planning mobile robots
Computer-assisted manufacturing Optionals (IA)
Distributed Procurement, Monitoring and Management Systems Neural networks and fuzzy logic
Optionals (IA) Distributed Artificial Intelligence Systems
Computer Networks Programming Internet Applications
Knowledge-based systems Optionals (AIA)
Standby systems and applications Automatic adjustment engineering – project
Real-time application programming – project
Knowledge-based systems – project

Curriculum Plans 2023-2024 – Series in progress

Teaching Series

2023-2027 Series 2022-2026 Series 2021-2025 Series 2020-2024 Series

Acquired skills (listed in the supplement)

Professional competences

  • Use of knowledge of mathematics, physics, measurement technique, technical graphics, mechanical engineering, chemical, electrical, and electronic in system engineering.
  • Operating with fundamental concepts in computer science, information, and communications technology.
  • Use of the fundamentals of automation, methods of modeling, simulation, identification and analysis of processes, and computer-assisted design techniques.
  • Design, implementation, testing, use, and maintenance of systems with general and dedicated equipment, including computer networks, for automation and applied computer applications.
  • Development of applications and implementation of algorithms and structures of automatic driving, using project management principles, programming environments, and technologies based on microcontrollers, signal processors, programmable automates, and embedded systems.
  • Application of knowledge of legislation, economics, marketing, business, and quality assurance in economic and managerial contexts.
  • Integration of knowledge and techniques of automatic control, information processing, and communications within network control systems.

Transversal competences

  • Applying, in the context of compliance with the legislation, intellectual property rights (including technology transfer), the product certification methodology, the principles, norms, and values of the code of professional ethics within the framework of its own rigorous, efficient, and responsible work strategy.
  • Identification of roles and responsibilities in a multi-specialized team, decision-making, and assignment of tasks, with the application of relationship techniques and effective work within the team.
  • Identification of opportunities for continuing training and effective utilization of learning resources and techniques for own development.

Possible occupations (COR code – Classification of Occupations in Romania)

  • Automatic Control Engineer (215202)
  • Research Assistant in Automatic Control (215240)
  • Engineer Designer Systems and Computers (215213)
  • Network Administrator Computers (System Engineer) (252301)
  • Database Administrator (252101)
  • Software System Engineer (2.51205)
  • Computer Project Manager (251206)
  • Electromechanical-Automatic Maintenance Specialist in Industrial Equipment (215220)