The mission of the two study programs within the field of Computer Science and Information Technology (CIT) is to train highly competent specialists in the area of computing systems, embedded computer-based systems, and information-centric technologies. The proposed curricula aim for a solid engineering education that covers both hardware and programming engineering, allowing for the addressing of specific issues as well as those of an interdisciplinary nature.
The duration of the studies is 4 years, of which the first three years are common, and for the fourth year, students can choose between the Computer Science program and the Information Technology program.
The main competencies acquired relate to:
- Designing and integrating information systems using programming technologies and environments
- Designing, managing the lifecycle, integrating, and ensuring the integrity of hardware, software, and communication systems
- Designing intelligent systems
The concepts studied in the two programs, Computer Science and Information Technology, cover a broad thematic area that enables the graduate student to find employment in companies from both the hardware and software sectors.

For more information regarding the subjects studied, please visit the presentation page of the Computer Science and Information Technology field.