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Educational Offer

The Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science at “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi prepares engineers in the field of IT&C through bachelor’s degree programs (Automatic Control and Applied Informatics, Computer Science and Information Technology), master’s, and doctoral studies within the hierarchy of Systems Engineering, Computers, and Information Technology, classified in category A of the most high-performing programs.

Study Cycle Domain Program
Bachelor’s Degree Studies
(4 years)
Computer Science and Information Technology Computer Science
Information Technology
Systems Engineering Automatic Control and Applied Informatics
Master’s Degree Studies
(2 years)
Computer Science and Information Technology Artificial Intelligence
Embedded Computers
Distributed Systems and Web Technologies
Systems Engineering Machine Learning, Robotics, and Control
Embedded Control Systems
Doctoral Studies
(3 years)
Computer Science and Information Technology
Systems Engineering